Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just not feelin it...

I don't know what my problem is lately.  I'm just not feelin it.  I'm not feeling like running or eating right.  BLAH.  Pete's birthday is on Friday - after that it's nose to the grindstone.

Today I ran with Nelly in the park.  Holy freaking cow it was cold!  I don't have the right gear for running in sub freezing temperatures.  According to my thermometer it was 29 when I left.  That is just too damned cold for my blood!  Especially since I was running in capris!  I don't have full length running pants!  It was SO hard to get moving - my legs were so cold and stiff!  We ran really slowly and we only ran for a mile.  Then we did sort of a walk/run for a mile and a half more.  It was really more walking than running after that first mile.  Pathetic, I know.  Nelly has not run since our last run together in late November so it was kind of nice to take it slow today.  Susie was in a bad mood - she was NOT in the mood to be in the jogger!  Nelly handed Susie her cell phone and played "Gangnam Style" for her - Susie was so happy about that - she just kind of danced around in her seat.  It was funny!  I wish they made one of those fisher price cases for the kindle like they have for the ipad.  I can't afford an ipad and there is no WAY I'm letting her hold my kindle without childproof protection!!

Tomorrow is my weight watcher's weigh in.  I'm pretty sure I'm up again.  I'll go and weigh in, but I'm not going to let it get to me.  I'll just do that much better next week!  I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow - I am not looking forward to that at all.  I hate going to the doctor.  I hate getting weighed.  Their scale is always heavier than Weight Watcher's by like four pounds!  Oh well.  I can't think about that right now.

Well, it's getting late and I'm tired so I'm heading to bed!

Thanks for reading!  Have a wonderful night! -Monica


  1. The cold definitely makes it hard to want to do much of anything! Good luck at weigh in at WW and at the doc's. ((((HUGS))))

    1. Thanks Desiree! I'm sure weight watchers is not going to be a good number, but at least I'm expecting it. It's much worse when you think you did great and you find that you've gone up!

  2. I think doctors have some sort of conspiracy when it comes to their scales--I am ALWAYS so much heavier at the doctor than on other scales, I swear! ;)
