Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Changing things up.....

I need to add more exercise.  I have finally come to this conclusion.  I have kind of known it for some time now - but now I am certain.  At weight watchers I was up 6lbs and it REALLY set me off.  I'm SO TIRED of this up and down, up and down crap.  I've talked to the hubs and he says we can switch gyms.  The Y is farther from the house, but they offer group classes, a pool, and child care - plus an indoor track.  I don't think I'm ready to leave Susie with strangers.  I'm just afraid of that.  She has never had a babysitter aside from my Mother.  I just can't do it - not until she can talk.  I am going to try to add some group classes after Pete gets home from work and then maybe take the kids swimming on the weekends.

Tomorrow is my run with my friend Nelly.  I am really looking forward to it - but dreading it at the same time!  Today I walked.  I walked a LOT.  I walked 14 miles as per my weight watcher's pedometer!  That equaled 26 points!!  To say I'm sore is an understatement!  I'm still sore from our run on Tuesday!  My ribs actually hurt from our run!  It's funny how that sort of pain actually makes you feel good! :-P

In crappy news - my face pains are back.  I'm going to give the meds a full month before I decide if they are working or not.  Right now - I'm not impressed.  I get to feel loopy, forgetful, slur my words AND I get to still have face pains.  I hope some of those side effects wear off.  Thankfully I don't have those side effects the entire time - only for the first 2 or 3 hours after I take a pill.  The sucky part is that I have to take them in the morning, afternoon, and night.  It seems to me that when I run shortly after taking the pill, I don't get sleepy or loopy - just slury.  The slurring is not THAT profound - I suspect that my tongue feels lazy and I percieve that as slurring.  My husband said he has only noticed me slurring twice.  I am going to ask Nelly tomorrow.

Well, I can take my meds in about five minutes and then I'm off to bed.  I am really tired.  I hope the kids both sleep all night so I can get some rest!  (Susie has been waking up for the last 3 nights and sleeping in our bed - which means I don't get much sleep.)

Thanks for reading (if anyone is actually reading - it looks like nobody is anymore) Have a wonderful night! -Monica


  1. I am reading!! Keep going girl! There are good times and bad times just keep your head up!!

    1. Thanks Alizey!!! I'm pushin' through! BOY has it gotten hard lately! I'm not giving up though - no WAY I'm going to let myself go back to the way I was!!!

  2. I am reading! I just am often a day or two late, so it may not show on your page view counter thingy (very technical term there) for a day or two. :-)
    And I am often trying to catch up with all my blogs so don't take time to comment. I will try to get better at that. :-)

    1. Thanks Cathy!!! Yes, very technical - I would have used the same lingo! LOL No worries - I just was wondering if anyone was still hanging around - my weight loss has really slowed down and I thought maybe nobody wanted to read about someone who was stuck! LOL Have no fear - I'm in the process of getting myself unstuck!

  3. Hey Monica, I'm still reading too. I've not been on here as much lately so haven't been commenting so much. I feel the same, like I'm talking to myself most of the time- but don't worry you're not! :)

    Well done for completing your super long walk, and it's great you have a friend to go with! I hope your meds start to kick in properly and your pain go away, sounds like a lot of things would be so much better for you if they did.

    1. Thank you!! You'd think I'd be used to it - I talk to myself all the time! HA!

      Thank you - it felt so good to do that long walk! I was super sore this morning though! I have noticed that the pains are a bit duller - maybe once I have more of the meds on board (they are the kind that need to build up in your body) the pains will go away altogether! I can hope - right?!
