Thursday, March 29, 2012

You'd think it was physiologically impossible...

But I handed my own butt to myself.  WOW I worked out hard today!!  It was an upper body workout day - I lifted weights until my arms were shaking!  At one point I was switching off and on with this one guy on the seated row machine.  I realized about halfway through my routine that we were lifting the same weight!  WOWZERS!!  That is really cool!  I think it's weird that there are not very many women doing free weights at my gym.  I think it's even weirder that this does not bother me.  I think a lot of the men are impressed that I'm "pumping iron". HAHAHA

I had my weigh in today at Weight Watcher's.  I was SUPPOSED to have a meeting today - but I could not make it.  My poor son was SO sick.  I had to take him to the doctor again - that is twice this week.  He just can not shake this fever.  On top of it - he is having tummy troubles.  I feel so bad for him when he is sick.  This is hands down the worst bug he has ever gotten.  I tried SO hard to keep my patience - I either had him crying or Susie (my daughter) crying.  It was a crazy, hectic day.  I think my son must really have me pegged.  He asked me today if he could have ABC "ronies" (macaroni) in his chicken soup.  WOW I had not even TOLD him I was making chicken soup!  Do I really make chicken soup whenever someone is sick?  I must - especially if HE noticed!  I blame that on my Mother.  She is the comfort food queen!  I made it a bit healthier than my Mother always did though.  I can't believe how readily I can get my children to eat carrots, celery, and kale!  Oh wow - I got a bit off topic there - sorry.  I'm kind of exhausted!  So I went to Weight Watcher's just to weigh in since I couldn't make it on time for the entire meeting.  Well - I was down FIVE POUNDS!  HA!   After two weeks of very little weight loss I finally got over that plateau!  Next week I should get my 25lb medal - whatever that is.  Don't forget - I started weight watchers about 3 weeks after I started working out - so I had lost 5lbs prior to that.  That means I am officially down 30lbs!  YIPPEE!!

Oh, and then there is this.  Do you see what I see?

I have a visible muscle!!!  I can't wait for the rest of me to be lean and cut!!  I was thinking about this today. What is it that I really want?  I figured it out!  I want to look the way I feel!  How, might you ask, do I feel??  I feel like an athlete!  Maybe I feel that way because I used to be one.  It doesn't matter WHY I feel that way, just that I do!  I'm tired of my outside not matching my inside.  I am so proud of myself for coming so far already!  I know I have a long way to go, but if I focus more on what is behind me than what is ahead then I think it will be easier to stay the course!  I figure it this way, the time is going to pass anyway - so why not put that time to good use!?

Alright, that is enough philosophy for one night!  I had better get to bed.  If there is one thing I learned as a parent, it's that sick children rarely sleep through the night!

Thanks for reading!  Have a wonderful night!  -Monica


  1. Congrats on your weight loss! That's amazing! 30lbs is a lot of weight, I'm happy for you!!

    1. Thank you!! I feel so excited about it too!!

  2. WooHoo! You're ROCKIN' it! Look at that muscle...IMPRESSIVE! I hope your little guy starts feeling better! With the weather we've been having Chicken Soup sounds yummy!

    I'm impressed with your weight workouts! I need to start doing that. Two more days until your 5k...YAY! I'm so excited for you.

    1. Thanks! Tell me about it - this weather has been gross! I'm seriously ready for some sunshine! I hope he feels better soon too - this is day 5 with a fever. He is SO whiny and sensitive right now!

      I love lifting weights! I have no idea why! I always tell myself that I'm only going to do part of the routine or I'm going to skip abs - but I can never do that! I get there and my mind just gets focused on lifting!

      I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for my race! I hope I can get some sleep over the next two nights!!

  3. Wow, that is some mean muscle there! Great job!

    And congrats on that 5 pound loss!!!!
